Publishing & Author


Brooklyn Indie Press' cutting-edge author-development team provides handpicked writers with comprehensive innovative publishing strategies to create long-lasting careers.

The publishing world has transformed drastically over the past several years, with changing algorithms that leave authors as well as publishing houses of every size struggling.

In many senses, publishing has become an ad hoc institution. Writers are not nurtured and the survival of the written word is based on how much time an author is willing to commit to non-writing endeavors and how much he is able to pay.

Brooklyn Indie Press was not created to dupe, exploit or take money from overwhelmed, would-be writers. Rather, BiP was formed during this time of transition to provide those with talent, drive and something important to say with the means to say it.

In this evolving industry opportunities abound to help get your work out there in its most creative, effective form. For us, this is done with integrity and respect for the art form and its creators.


If you have a compelling reason

telling a story or for getting information out there, we will help you find your words. If you have a manuscript that is wonderful but needs assistance, we will help shape it. If your manuscript simply needs a final touch we will help with that too.

woman in black blazer sitting by the table with macbook
woman in black blazer sitting by the table with macbook
Creation & Publishing

Editing, proofreading, ebook formatting, print formatting, digital cover design, paperback cover design, interior illustrations-- the list to get your book ready for publishing can seem exhaustive. We take your words to print and digital page in record time.

Distribution & Marketing

Synopsis, book blurb, key words, meta tags, SEO, author website, logo, branding, Amazon author page, list creation, email integration, social media--what is all this and how is an author to do it all? We help with these things as well as with book reviews, press releases, book trailers and in general, creating all the necessary tools to get the word out.

magazines displayed on a rack
magazines displayed on a rack
man in white crew neck t-shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses
man in white crew neck t-shirt wearing black framed eyeglasses
Development & Distribution

Audiobooks are the fasting growing sector of the publishing market and often he most lucrative. Sound editing, uploading, cover design, distribution--we take you through from start to finish.

woman in white shirt sitting on chair in front of computer
woman in white shirt sitting on chair in front of computer
man sitting on table typing on typewriter
man sitting on table typing on typewriter
man sitting in front of the laptop
man sitting in front of the laptop